North Williamsburg

Pre-K for All

Pre-K for All (UPK)

When you walk into a UPK/Fours’ Room, children will make use of the whole classroom. Four-Year-Olds will be supported in beginning to write their own ideas. They will learn the alphabet and the sounds of letters. They will begin to read very simple books. Their math curriculum will build upon the Threes’ curriculum with counting, sorting and patterning. They will begin to do small addition and subtraction and word problems. The curriculum for the Fours’ will focus on Community. They will study their classroom and friends, our school and our neighborhood. They will learn about the businesses, organizations and people that work together for the benefit of our community.

Our preschool runs from September to June — however, we do accept students on an ongoing basis, whenever there are openings available and our schedule permits it.

If you are interested in meeting with us and getting to know the school a bit better please contact to get more information or schedule a tour!

Community Service

At JCC Brooklyn – North Williamsburg, we believe in giving back to the world. Even at such a young age, children understand that others have less than they do. We collected money for Ubuntu, which is an organization that supports children who have been affected by disease and tragedy in South Africa. We have collected food for City Harvest to help those who are hungry closer to home and raised funds for Save A Child’s Heart, an Israeli organization that provides life saving heart surgery free of charge to children in developing countries.

Physical Education

At JCC Brooklyn – North Williamsburg, when weather permits, we take a short walk to visit the nearby playground where the children play on climbers, swings, blow bubbles, draw with chalk and play outdoor tag games. We also have an indoor gym where children engage in cooperative games such as basketball, ride scooters, climb through tunnels, practice yoga and dancing and play hopscotch. It is very important that children at our school have physical activity every day!

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